I think this is a tough subject. For one, I think many conceptions about the PR industry are true. It is dominated by "chicks" and there is always an underlining purpose for the company or organization that us professionals communicate for.
This isn't to say that we lie. Sometimes we cannot disclose the complete truth and other times we need to get the whole truth out there, even if it hurts the organization we represent. This is part of the code of ethics PRos are expected to uphold.
It's not general promotions where the face of PR goes bad, it's during crisis communication. When something goes wrong with the company and us PRos have to “face the media” with a response, it’s no wonder why we look bad. The problem with the organization or company not only gets transfered to us, but we are the ones blamed if information is withheld.
Stick to your ethics above all, your loyalty to the organization and people you represent and everything work itself out. You also need to make sure your values lineup with those you represent so you know you will not be forced into that situation where you feel more needs to be said than what you are being allowed.
Here is a list of a few PR positions I could never hold due to my ethics:
-Publicist for Barry Bonds
-Publicist for Enron
-Anywhere in China (I don’t want my work to be censored!)
The basic reason, for me, is that I don’t want to be restrained. My values also need to align with who I'm dealing with. So, no Wal Mart for me. I feel that if an organization or individual can’t let the media and world know what they are doing, then chances are they shouldn’t be doing it.
The one conception that I think needs to change is that PRos are all spin-doctors. Take a look at this Mac commercial to understand where I am coming from:
The job of a PRo, as I have been taught, is to indirectly influence an audience’s opinion. Not to simply make sure a company doesn’t look bad. That is the company’s responsibility when it makes all its business decisions.
1 comment:
Love the post. I would disagree about being a PR guy for some of the more shady elements. Personally, it would be a great challenge to stem the tide of bad sentiment for a person like Barry Bonds. I hate the guy (I am a huge Dodgers fan), but that would take a pure PR genius to pull something like that off. Look what the folks at did for Kobe. It didn't hurt that the Lakers are good now too. But, what came first, Kobe's good pr or the lakers/kobe winning? chicken or the egg?
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