Sunday, May 4, 2008

On Twitter: Not all that and a bag of chips

First of all, I want to point out that I am not totally against this mictrocasting or what’s known as “Twitter.” As professionals, we sometimes have to assimilate into things we don't favor. I believe that it has some potential to allow for some good networking opportunities, but I don’t think it can go too far beyond that.
It might be that I am coming at this from an old-fashion approach. I really enjoy meeting with people face-to-face and using a web application to fill in everyone who is connected to me doesn’t interest me. To find out what my friends and coleagues are up to, I would rather call and find out. With the use of Twitter, that can easily go out the window.
If I were looking for a job, I would rather sit down with someone and have a conversation with him or her rather than the potential employer trying to find out about whom I am via the last couple months of my Twitter feed. I am a firm believer that you must sit-down and talk with a person before you can actually say you know them. Besides, if they want to look further into who I am, I already have a Facebook page and a blog.
This might be because I don’t know enough about it, but I don’t see how Twitter can help a PR campaign either besides communicating with your contacts. But shouldn’t the contacts that matter to the campaign have more in-depth contact than Twitter can offer?

"Twitter" as defined by the wiki...

1 comment:

Kelli Matthews said...

Cute cartoon... naive post. :) I don't just say that because I'm a twitter addict, but I've seen people succeed using this tool.

Megan Soto got a job because the agency first saw her Twitter posts and then found her blog.

Staci Stringer was recruited by WaggEd because of a Twitter post.

You have to connect with the *right* people. Navel gazing with a bunch of other students won't do you a bit of good. Expand. Network.

Check out these resources:
Get Into Twitter or Get Outta PR -

Twitter Case Study:

JetBlue and Twitter:

Twitter for Health: