I thought I would take the opportunity to discuss where I am at right now in my career. Maybe this will help me sort things out and give me a clearer picture so I know where I am going.
Thus far: I am 22 years old and three weeks away from graduating from the University of Oregon with a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism with emphases in public relations and a minor in business administration. The University of Oregon’s School of Journalism and Communication is ranked as the 112th best journalism school in the nation out of the 418 that are ranked on
On June 16, 2008 I will move from Portland, Oregon to Phoenix Arizona.
Citymayors.com ranked Phoenix as the fourth fastest growing city in America and the
Business Journal racked the city as the fifth best place for young adults to be. Portland didn’t make the Business Journal’s top ten, but pulled in at 72 for the fastest growing city competition. The Arizona State University journalism school is ranked 124th nationally and is located in Tempe (part of the greater Phoenix area).
The things I’ve got going for me:
- New place = new perspective
- Portland experience and internship and Media Cabin
- Two years work experience and student run ad agency, Allen Hall Advertising
- Part time jobs throughout college (I paid my own way, thank you very much!)
- Great personality and undying work ethic
- Loads of life experience
The way I see it, the stars are within reach! There is nothing holding me back accept for the economy, but there is still room to wiggle around even that.
So, What’s next?
I don’t have any connections in Phoenix at all! But, I’ll find my feet. If I put myself through college, I can do this.
Most of the public relations firms in Phoenix also consider themselves advertising firms as well. This is perfect for me because I have experience in public relations, advertising, and business administration.
My plan is to target specific human resources personal at all the top agencies to meet with for informational interviews. I want to know what agencies interest me and where I would fit in the best. I also want to meet with news editors at the top local news publications to take tours and get a better feel for the Phoenix media scene.
While surveying the Phoenix scene, I can choose what agencies I want to continue to have a relationship with and apply at some of them.
While looking on craigslist.com for job openings in marketing/pr/advertising, I noticed that all the internships being offered in the Phoenix area over the summer are non-paid. I think I am beyond this step in my career and ready for an entry-level job. I’m a college graduate for peat-sakes! Every now and then a few jobs pop-up on the site that interest me, but for the most part, they’re gimmicks.
I don’t think the fact that I am a guy will come to play a factor in me getting a job in the PR world that is dominated by women. If anything it will help.
The biggest problem I have right now is making that first dive, that first call. I feel as though I am scared to jump in. I’ve done my research, and now it’s time to plunge.
Thank you for letting me sort this out. It was good source for therapy and a good way to map things out.